The first part of the assignment was to do a set of very small, fast thumbnails which were readable at first glance and focused on composition.

The second part was to pick some of those thumbnails to take to the next level; larger linework thumbnails.

Of these three, I've decided to go with #1 for a few reasons that were pointed out:
- The low camera angle gives Xavius the large "boss" feel I'm going for. The purpose of this illustration is to showcase him as Big Bad Guy, and I think #1 does this best.
- The wing and rock shapes give the "danger" feel I want to convey.
- A lot of different lighting options.
Things that were pointed out that should be changed this week:
- Change horseman's position in order to make it a more engaged/confrontational scene
- Vary up the rock shapes
- Don't use the trick of putting his foot on the other side of the ground plane, put it up on a rock or something to include all of him rather than cutting him off at the ankles.
Thanks for the insightful post Carmen! I've always had problems with composition. Darker scans please for the next time though, I had to bump up the contrast in Photoshop to avoid eyes bleeding.
Will do! Sorry for the light scans, haha. This comment made me realize I desperately needed to calibrate my monitor.